A leisure vehicle holiday is not just freedom to go where you want and when. It's also the freedom from the stresses & grind of daily life and more often than not, to allow your children to roam free.
A trip away together to a camp-site or holiday park home is the best opportunity to create some magical family memories. Away from screens, the simple chores of camp-site living and the on-tap outdoor space allow you and your children (and grand-parents too) the time to get closer to nature and each-other.
Moreover, what we all know to be true has been borne out by research that has found that children who go camping are healthier, happier and do better at school.
And, unusually for something that is good for them - kids love camping too!
So bring a smile to their faces and plan your next escape to the outdoors...
Stuck for ideas or nervous about what it's like in reality - read these stories from our friends:
- Get Out With The Kids share their secrets to great family camping
- The Meek family share their top 10 activities to do with kids while camping
- Gayle shares her top apps to encourage your children outside
- Louisa helps you get active with the kids with a variety of exciting activities to try throughout the UK